Message from QSD Chairman (November 2010)

2nd Reciprocal Training for CECA Members for Membership of HKIS (QSD) The 2nd reciprocal training for the members of the China Engineering Cost Association (CECA) [中國建設工程造價管理協會] was held in Century Kingdom Hotel, Buji, Shenzhen on 9 and 10 November. The opening ceremony in the morning of 9 November started with the announcement by Madam Ma Guizhi, the Vice-President and Secretary-General of the CECA, and followed by the opening speeches by Madam Zhang Yunkuan, the President of the CECA, and Professor Chau Kwong Wing, the President of the HKIS. In the two-day event, there were five training sessions and nine tutorials handled by our eight senior members. On behalf of the Division, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the generous support and participation of the following speakers (topics delivered in brackets) and tutors: 1. Mr Stephen Lai (Professional Practice in Quantity Surveying) 2. Mr Anthony Lau (Project Management) 3. Mr Kenneth Poon (Financial and Cost Control and Estimating) 4. Mr K C Tang (Contract Management) 5. Mr T T Cheung (Alternative Dispute Resolution) 6. Mr Spencer Kwan, Mr Arthur Shia and Mr Anthony Chung (Tutors). More than 170 members from the CECA attended the two-day training and tutorial session. Each attendee received the training materials prepared by the Mainland Sub-Committee of the Quantity Surveying Division including the rules of conduct, Ordinance of the Registered Professional Surveyors and a student copy of the Standard Form of Building Contract 2005 edition. The speakers were quite impressed by the response of the attendees. They were particularly very enthusiastic in raising questions and very eager to have experience sharing with the speakers after each training session. For instance, one of the questions was whether there would be any conflict between professionalism of being independent and delivery of contractual duty in protecting the client’s interest under the appointment contract with the client. The attendees came from different provinces of the Mainland. The President of the CECA showed appreciation of the training by saying that the training widened the perspective of the attendees to have a better understanding of the quantity surveying professional practice implemented in Hong Kong and in the Mainland. As a result, the members of the CECA could enhance their skills and knowledge in cost engineering, which would be beneficial to the development of both professions in the Mainland and in Hong Kong. After completing the two-day training, those CECA members will be elected as members of HKIS Quantity Surveying Division later if they can fulfill all the requirements under the Reciprocity Agreement between the CECA and the HKIS. The two-day event ended with a dinner hosted by the CECA for the speakers and tutors. Visit to the Shanghai Construction Department (SCD) ( 上海市建築建材業市場管理總站) On 5 November, two of our former divisional chairmen, Mr Spencer Kwan and Mr Stephen Lai, together with the Chairlady of the Shanghai Forum, paid a visit to the SCD whereby they were received by the division head, Mr Sun Xiao Dong (孫曉東科長). The visit was one of regular activities for reinforcing the link between our Institute with the administrative heads of the Construction Bureau and updating the local administrative changes in each province. During the visit, we learnt that the organization structure of the local Construction Bureau in Shanghai has recently gone through a substantial CECA and HKIS organizational change. Under the change, all construction. Representatives at the Opening related arms are under one umbrella. The formerly Ceremony Standard Rates [Norms] (定額), which concerns the QSD, is now under the jurisdiction of the SCD. For information of members, the salient new scope of the SCD and other departments is abstracted below. Further details can be found under in the web site (www.ciac. By making reference to the systems adopted in Hong Kong for easy understanding, the responsibilities of the SCD include the functions of the Buildings Department in administration and control of building construction and of the Development Bureau in strategy planning. We shall keep on maintaining regular contact with the officials in the Mainland for the benefits and interests of members working in various provinces in the Mainland. I, on behalf of the division, would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Mr Sun for his hospitality in the reception and for future collaboration with the Institute on information flow and assistance. Abstracted scope of the SCD 一、上海市建築業管理辦公室、上海市建材業管理辦公室 1. 負責制本市建築、建材業發展戰略、中長期規劃和行業改革方案; 2. 負責工程建設規範規程、工程造價、技術標準的管理工作; 3. 負責建設工程勘察、設計、施工、監理以及工程建設重要設備材料招投標等的承發包市場監督管理; 4. 負責建設工程質量、安全生產、文明施工的行政管理;指揮、處理建設工程質量和安全有關突發事件; 5. 負責建築行業從業單位資質、執業註冊資格的監督管理;負責在滬勘察、設計、施工單位以及建築、建材業各類中介機構等的監督管理; 6. 負責建設工程材料和建築機械設備使用的質量監督管理,負責推進建築節能、新型建材應用、散裝水泥發展和粉煤灰綜合利用等管理工作; 7. 負責指導建築、建材業從業人員的專業培訓工作; 8. 負責建築、建材行業有關信息收集、統計、分析和對外發布工作; 9. 負責建築、建材市場的行政執法工作; 10. 負責建築、建材業行政事業單位的業務管理工作; 11. 承辦領導交辦的其他工作。 二、上海市建築建材業受理服務中心 上海市建築建材業受理服務中心是受上海市城鄉建設和交通委員會、上海市建築業管理辦公室、上海市建材業管理辦公室委托, 具體負責本市建築建材業有關行政審批和非行政審批事項的統一受理、辦理, 並提供相應服務的機構。其主要職責是: 1. 貫徹執行國家和本市建築建材市場管理的法律、法規、規章和政策; 2. 負責建築建材業市管行政審批事項的統一受理、發証; 3. 負責建築建材業市管非行政審批事項的受理、辦理; 4. 負責建築建材業市管項目公開招標和邀請招標的受理登記; 5. 負責建築業各類企業資質審核,及各類人員執業資格的註冊管理; 6. 負責受理場所的管理,及開評標場所的服務工作; 7. 負責建築建材業管理相關費用的統一收取,按有關規定進行管理; 8. 負責建築建材業信息平台的技術維護; 9. 負責承擔對外接待、各類會議安排,及辦公場所的運行保障; 10. 負責對區縣建築建材業相關的指導; 11. 完成上級交辦的其他事項。 注: 1.市管行政審批事項的統一受理、發証主要包括建築設工程報建、施工許可、安全生產許可、檢測機構資質、各類企業資質、各類人員執業資格、市管工程竣工驗收備案登記、市管建設工程初步設計審查、工程抗震、國防交通等; 2.市管非行政審批事項的受理、辦理主要包括勘察、設計、施工和監理項目的直接發包登記、質量安全監申報、建築節能備案、企業和人員信息變更、企業誠信手冊申領、外省市進滬企業備案、建材備案等。 三、上海市建築建材業市場管理總站 上海市建築建材業市場管理總站是受上海市城鄉建設和交通委員會、上海市建築業管理辦公室委托, 具體負責本市建設工程招投標、建設工程標準定額、建築節能推進、新型材料應用和建築建材業市場管理等的機構。其主要職責是: 1. 貫徹執行國家和本市建築建材市場管理的法律、法規、規章和政策; 2. 負責本市建設工程評標專家庫的日常管理; 3. 負責本市建設工程勘察、設計、施工、監理項目管理,及招標備案工作,監管開、評標過程; 4. 負責對本市建設工程招標文件(評標辦法)、評標委員會組成、中標通知的備案管理; 5. 承擔組織編制、實施本市建設工程標準、規範,組織宣傳貫徹國家和本市建設標準、規範; 6. 負責審核工程建設"三新"(新材料、新工藝、新技術) 應用標準的備案,負責申請採用國外、境外工程建設標準的審查; 7. 負責建設工程定額、工程量清單、費用計算規則的研究、制定、收集、匯總、處理、發布建設工程價格信息; 8. 負責建築節能和等資源綜合利用的日常管理,組織新型建築材料的審核,編制新型建築材料的推廣應用目錄,及禁止或限制生產、使用建築材料的目錄; 9. 負責組織和管理建築建材業科技項目研究、推廣,及國內外科技合作交流的管理; 10. 負責建築建材業資料、檔案的歸集管理、統計分析,及有關專業課題的研究; 11. 負責推廣建築建材業從業人員的專業培訓; 12. 負責對區縣建築建材業相關業務的指導; 13. 完成上級交辦的其他事項。 注:1.評標專家庫的日常管理包括抽簽選取專家的服務等; 2.招標備案工作主要包括重要設備和材料採購,及市立項工程、重大工程、中央各部委立項工程、本市優秀歷史建築保護工程的施工招標備案等。 四、上海市建設工程安全質量監督總站 上海市建設工程安全質量監督總站是受上海市城鄉建設和交通委員、上海市建築業管理辦公室、上海市建材業管理辦公室委托, 具體負責本市建設工程安全和質量監督管理等的機構。其主要職責是: 1. 貫徹執行國家和本市建築建材市場管理的法律、法規、規章和政策; 2. 負責本市建設工程安全質量和文明施工的指揮導、協調、監督、管理,負責市管建設工程項目的過程監管; 3. 承擔本市建築建材業各類違法行為的具體行政執法; 4. 負責建設工程中的參與單位實施動態管理,參與建設工程重大安全質量事故的調查和處理; 5. 負責建設工程勘察、設計質量管理和施工圖設計文件的審查備案; 6. 承擔建設工程搶險和建築建材領域突發事件的應急處置; 7. 負責建築建材業施工企業節能降耗的監督管理,負責施工現場建築節能的推進工作; 8. 負責建築建材業的綜合治理工作和信訪投訴處理; 9. 負責對區縣建築建材業相關業務的指導; 10. 完成上級交辦的其他事項。 注:1. 實施動態管理的內容, 包括按照內部管理流程的要求,在市管工程竣工驗收備案登記前,及安全生產許可証發放、檢測機構資質上報前,提出內部書面審查意見等;2. 建築建材業的綜合治理工作主要包括建築農民工維權管理、防範並協調解決建設工程款拖欠、施工現場的綜合治理等。