Recognised Degrees for APC 

This section lists out the degrees and diplomas recognised by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. In order to obtain corporate membership of the Institute, all applicants holding recognised academic qualifications must have experience of approved nature in Hong Kong, or mainly in Hong Kong, and must pass the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) of the division.

The HKIS will no longer consider bridging or similar course arrangements which provide access to the final year of an accredited course for accreditation. In any approved linked schemes, as a guide, the time spent in the degree awarding institution should not be less than half of the normal duration (or at least 50% of the required credits) which would equate to two thirds of a conventional 4-year taught programme.


Recognised Sub-Degrees for APC

This section lists out the sub-degree programmes recognised by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. In order to be admitted as Associate Members of the Institute, all applicants holding recognised academic / vocational qualifications must have experience of approved nature in Hong Kong, or mainly in Hong Kong, and must have undergone the relevant stages of the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) of the division.